Combination of a box plot and a violin plot using ggplot2 in R

We provide effective and economically affordable training courses for R and Python, Click here for more details and course registration ! A Box plot shows descriptive statistics of a continuous with a box and whispers. Five statistics of the variable, namely, the minimum and the maximum, the median, and the lower quantile and upper quantile are depicted in the plot. A violin plot shows a smoothed nonparametric violin curve of a continuous variable. Combination of Read more…

Plot histograms using ggplot2 in R

We provide effective and economically affordable training courses for R and Python, Click here for more details and course registration ! Histogram is a type of graph that shows the distribution of a continuous variable. The range of value of the variable is divided into parts (range), then the frequency for each bin is plotted. In R, with ggplot2 package, function geom_histogram() can be used to plot histograms. Histogram can be a simple graph using Read more…

Plot Barchart with ggplot2 in R

We provide effective and economically affordable training courses for R and Python, Click here for more details and course registration ! Barcharts can be used to plot the frequency of a single categorical variable, or illustrate the cross relationship between two or more categorical variables. In R programming, function geom_bar() from ggplot2 package can easily create simple barcharts, stacked or grouped barcharts. The following codes show creation of different barcharts, using a virtual dataset “grade”. Read more…

R and Python Course Instructor

Click her for course registration ! Wilson, the founder of, was educated towards master degrees in Economics and Logistics and bachelor degree in Engineering. Wilson is now living in Norway, and has had over 10 years experience in working with data analysis at research center in Norway. Wilson’s main expertise lies in statistics, data analysis using R and Python in general, statistical modeling using R at basic and intermediate level. In recent years, Wilson Read more…

Python Basic Course

Click her for course registration ! Python has been regarded as one the most used programming languages in the last decade. With the development of AI, Python’s popularity remains even stronger. Python’s practicability lies not only in general data analysis, but also in web building, machine learning, deep learning, and artificial intelligence. Its language structure is easy to start, and was thought to be significantly easier compared with compiled language like C++. In this Python Read more…

R Basic Course

Click her for course registration ! R is a popular programming language, It is free and open source. R has been widely used in the field of statistical data analysis, econometrics, machine learning , just name a few in the last almost three decades. R is regarded as the easy-to-use and easy-to-learn statistics software, as well as its abundance of packages in almost all the areas in data science. In this course, we provide the Read more…

Assessing Normality Assumption for Linear Regression in R

The normality assumption in linear regression is necessary to ensure the estimates of parameters are unbiased and the hypothesis testing is correct. It states that for the fixed or given values of explanatory variables, the dependent variables are normally distributed around the mean 0. It is equivalent to say that the residuals after model estimation follow a normal distribution with the mean 0.