Recode variables in R

In data analysis it is often needed to set new values to a variable based on one or several conditions, and these kinds of operations are called recode variables. The most frequently applied recoding variables in R may be the setting some values to missing values (NA), and recoding a continuous to the values of a categorical variable.

Working with Python classes and instances

Python uses class for object-oriented programming. A class represents the general behavior or information that the programmer or data analyst focuses on. When a class is created, particular objects belonging to this class can be created. This process is called instantiation. Class contains attributes, methods, or functions for general purpose. Attributes for instances can be modified by directly assigning new values, or by using methods defined in a class.

Working with normal distributions in Python

Normal distribution is describing random variables with bell-shaped probability density functions. Normal distribution is widely used in data science because large sample random variates have a mean value which follows approximate normal distribution if variates are independently drawn from any distributions. The probability density function for normal distribution is determined by two parameters: mean(miu) and standard deviation(sigma).
