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Mean, median and mode are three statistics that measure the central tendency of numerical data. Mean is the average of sample, and median the mid point of the sample with value sorting from the lowest to the highest, and mode is the value that occur most frequently in the sample. In Python there are various data objects, they can be list, or Numpy ndarray. Here we will show how to calculate mean, median and mode for various data objects in Python.
testlist = [5,8,22,4,5,13,7,266,1,8,23,14,32,4,7,8,6,9,23,7,8]
def Average(lst):
return sum(lst) / len(lst)
ave = Average(testlist) #mean
Out[2]: 22.857142857142858
mid = len(testlist) // 2
midn = (testlist[mid] + testlist[-mid-1]) / 2
Out[3]: 8.0
from statistics import mode
Out[4]: 8
2. Calculation of Mean, median and mode for Numpy array
import numpy as np
salary = np.random.randint(38, high=60, size=1500)
Out[5]: 48.415333333333336
Out[6]: 48.0
from scipy import stats
Out[9]: ModeResult(mode=array([58]), count=array([85]))
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