Append, insert and remove elements of lists in Python
The elements of a list can be added or removed after it has been created.
To add new elements at the end of a list, Py
Introducing lists
Changing, Appending,Removing items of Lists .
Sorting lists.
Looping through a list.
Making Numerical Lists .
List comprehension and Working with Part of a List.
Building sets.
Removing items from a set – remove(), pop(),and difference.
Using a while Loop with Lists.
Set operation.
The elements of a list can be added or removed after it has been created.
To add new elements at the end of a list, Py
List is the simplest type of data structure in Python programming. A list is used to store a collection of elements of same type (numeric, string, etc.). In Python, a pair of brackets [] indicates the data object is a list type. For example, the following two statements create two lists, in which one is numeric and the other is of string type.