Poisson distribution is a discrete distribution. It is frequently used to model the counts of event occurrence during a specified…
In hypothesis testing, the analyst has chance to commit both Type I and Type II errors. The Type I error…
In statistical hypothesis testing, there are usually two types of errors that the process will encounter, namely Type I and…
Weibull distribution, named after Swedish mathematician Waloddi Weibull, is a continuous distribution which is widely used to model the distribution…
Lognormal distribution in probability and statistics is used to model the distribution of a positive random variable Y, if Y…
Beta distribution is a family of distributions which are used to model the probability of continuous random variables defined on…
read.table() function in R is often used when a delimited ASCII file (e.g. text file or csv file) is to…
Data frames are the most widely used data structures in R programming. Unlike each element in vector/matrix/array must have same…
When it is needed to store many elements of same type or mode into one data object in R, you…
If we want to store data of same mode or type in a two-dimensional array in R data analysis, matrix…