R data structure – Working with R Vector data objects
Vector in R programming is one-dimensional array. Its element can be numeric, character, or logital data. To create a vector in R, you can use function c().
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R programming tutorials includes two parts. Part 1 focus on R programming fundamentals. There are following sections in this part: Get started with R and RStudio environment; R data structure and create datasets; R data management basic methods; R data management advanced methods; Data visualization with ggplot2 package; Data analysis with dplyr package; Working with string and text mining. Part 2 focus on Statistical data analysis using R programming.
Vector in R programming is one-dimensional array. Its element can be numeric, character, or logital data. To create a vector in R, you can use function c().
Like in many other programming languages, packages in R are just collections of built-in functions and datasets are combined with R installation in a well-defined format. Library is directories where packages, either come with basic R installation or being manually installed, are stored on computer. In this post, we provide several important and useful functions associated with R package management.
RStudio acts as an computer-app for using R in a more freindly manner than the default R command window. Before using RStudio, R has to be installed first. In this post , we shortly introduce how to install R and RStudio on Windows.
R is one of the most popular programming languages and framework for statistical data analysis and data science. R has a relatively easy learning curve, and is suitable for anyone who has basic knowledge of using computer and is eager to learn programming skills.