How to create factor variables in R programming

Categorical variables, including nominal and ordinal variables in R programming language are called factor variables. For example, gender(male/female) is nominal, and survey results (excellent, good, normal, bad) have ordinal values. Categorical variables are useful because many data analysis operations are related to values in different categories, such as contingency tables between two categorical variables for independence analysis, hypothesis testing of homogeneity of variances, just name a few.

Creating data frames in R using data.frame()

Data frames are the most widely used data structures in R programming. Unlike each element in vector/matrix/array must have same data mode, a data frame can store data elements with different mode or type in one object. For example, a data frame of family information can have numeric (e.g. age, income), character (e.g. name), and logical (work/not work) data types. Data frames in R act somewhat similar as a spredsheet in Microsoft Excel, where each row represents each observation or subject and each column refers to each variable or attribute.