Normal distribution is describing random variables with bell-shaped probability density functions. Normal distribution is widely used in data science because…
When a correlation, usually Person type correlation, is calculated, two variables have to be continuous. But this requirement does not…
A Student t-distributed random variable is modeling the ratio between a standard Normal random variate and square root of a…
Poisson distribution is a discrete distribution. It is frequently used to model the counts of event occurrence during a specified…
In hypothesis testing, the possibility of the other side than the conclusion usually exists, and the analysis commits so-called Type…
In hypothesis testing, the analyst has chance to commit both Type I and Type II errors. The Type I error…
In statistical hypothesis testing, there are usually two types of errors that the process will encounter, namely Type I and…
Weibull distribution, named after Swedish mathematician Waloddi Weibull, is a continuous distribution which is widely used to model the distribution…
Lognormal distribution in probability and statistics is used to model the distribution of a positive random variable Y, if Y…
Beta distribution is a family of distributions which are used to model the probability of continuous random variables defined on…