Slicing a list in Python is a kind of operation that returns part of a list. The basic form of a slice is using starting and ending index with colon between of a list inside square brackets following a list. Say we have a list for family member, and will get part of a list from 2nd to 4th element.
#create a list of family members
familymember = ["Wilson", "Shirley", "Mico","Dudu","Miaomiao","Maomao", "Mia"]
#show the elements of whole list
['Wilson', 'Shirley', 'Mico', 'Dudu', 'Miaomiao', 'Maomao', 'Mia']
#slice of list, return 2nd to 4th elements
family_2_4 = familymember[2:5]
['Mico', 'Dudu', 'Miaomiao']
We see that element with ending index is not included in the slicing object. And either or both of ending and starting index can be omitted in slicing.
#omit ending index, and all the elements from 2nd will be returned
family2end= familymember[2:]
['Mico', 'Dudu', 'Miaomiao', 'Maomao', 'Mia']
#omit starting index, all the elements up to 3rd are returned
family4start = familymember[:4]
['Wilson', 'Shirley', 'Mico', 'Dudu']
#omit both starting and ending index, a copy of list returned
familycopy = familymember[:]
['Wilson', 'Shirley', 'Mico', 'Dudu', 'Miaomiao', 'Maomao', 'Mia']
Python uses minus symbol for counting a list from end.
#the last element of list returned
#slicing from beginning to the 3nd element from the ending
['Wilson', 'Shirley', 'Mico', 'Dudu']
#slicing from 3nd element from ending to end of list
['Miaomiao', 'Maomao', 'Mia']
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