Series is the simplest data structure from Pandas library in Python. It stores usually labeled data, i.e. a list of values and and a list of labels combined and saved in an individual object. When we perform mathematical operations, such as addition or subtraction between two Series, the operation will be carried out only with those values that have common corresponding labels in both Series. Otherwise, the corresponding value in the resulting Series will be NaN (Not a Number) value(s). In the next example, we show two examples of this mechanism implemented in Python IDE.
#Import Pandas module
import pandas as pd
#create a Series S1, with input from a dictionary
D1 = {'var1':25, 'var2': 32, 'var3': 8, 'var4': 19}
S1 = pd.Series(D1)
var1 25
var2 32
var3 8
var4 19
dtype: int64
#similarly, we create a second Series, having same labels as the first
D2 = {'var1':17, 'var2': 301, 'var3': 16, 'var4': 201}
S2 = pd.Series(D2)
var1 17
var2 301
var3 16
var4 201
dtype: int64
#we perform addition of these two Series
S1 + S2
#result is a Series too, with the values coming from addition
#of corresponding values in both Series
var1 42
var2 333
var3 24
var4 220
dtype: int64
#Now we create a third Series, with some new labels
D3 = {'var1':11, 'var3': 28, 'var5': 36, 'var6': 9}
S3 = pd.Series(D3)
var1 11
var3 28
var5 36
var6 9
dtype: int64
#then we perform addition between the first and third Series
S1 + S3
#resulting Series have labels that are out-union of these two
#Series' labels, and some values have values NaN, because
#those labels are not found in both inputting Series
var1 36.0
var2 NaN
var3 36.0
var4 NaN
var5 NaN
var6 NaN
dtype: float64
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