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In this post, we list some of the most common mathematical functions in R.

abs() – compute absolute value of a numerical input.

sqrt() – compute square root of numerical input.

ceiling() – return the lowest integer no less than the input number.

floor() – return the largest integer no larger than the input number.

trunc() – trancate and return the integer part of the input number.

round() – rounding a number in terms of specified digits.

log() – calculate the natural log (base e=2.718) of a positive number.

exp() – calculate the exponential (base e=2.718) of a number.

#Absolute value
[1] 50
#Square root
sqrt(c(125, 160))       
[1] 11.18034 12.64911
[1] 16
[1] -13
[1] -23
round(32.1234, digits=2)       
[1] 32.12
#natural logarithm
[1] 6.907755
#Exponential function
[1] 3.773489

Just note all the functions listed here can be used to apply to a vector or matrix, and the result will have the same dimension as the input object.

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