Working with normal distributions in Python

Normal distribution is describing random variables with bell-shaped probability density functions. Normal distribution is widely used in data science because large sample random variates have a mean value which follows approximate normal distribution if variates are independently drawn from any distributions. The probability density function for normal distribution is determined by two parameters: mean(miu) and standard deviation(sigma).

Kernel density plots with ggplot2 in R

Kernel density function is a nonparametric method to find the drawing density curve of random samples, and it is often used to draw a smoothed curve in data visualization. In R programming with ggplot2 package, a chaining of functions ggplot() and geom_density() is often used to draw different smoothed curves showing the distribution of continuous variables.

Using Weibull distribution in R programming

Weibull distribution, named after Swedish mathematician Waloddi Weibull, is a continuous distribution which is widely used to model the distribution of random time between events. Exponential distribution, which is used to model the random time until next event occurs and have so-called memoryless feature or constant failure rate. In order to relax this memoryless condition, analysts may use either Gamma distribution or Weibull distribution instead.