Calculating The Power of a Test in Hypothesis Testing with R

In hypothesis testing, the analyst has chance to commit both Type I and Type II errors. The Type I error (α) refers to the probability of wrongly rejecting a true Null hypothesis – H0, while the Type II error (ß) represents the probability that failing to reject a false H0. The value of 1- ß is called the Power of Test in hypothesis testing. Its value says the ability of correctly rejecting a false H0, under the specified Null hypothesis – H0 and Alternative hypothesis – H1.

Calculating Type I Error and Type II Error of Hypothesis Testing using R

In statistical hypothesis testing, there are usually two types of errors that the process will encounter, namely Type I and type II errors. Type I error (α) refers to the probability of rejection of a Null Hypothesis (H0) when actually it is true, and if a false Null hypothesis is missed to reject when an Alternative Hypothesis (H1) is true, then a type II error (ß) occurs.

Using Weibull distribution in R programming

Weibull distribution, named after Swedish mathematician Waloddi Weibull, is a continuous distribution which is widely used to model the distribution of random time between events. Exponential distribution, which is used to model the random time until next event occurs and have so-called memoryless feature or constant failure rate. In order to relax this memoryless condition, analysts may use either Gamma distribution or Weibull distribution instead.

Some important functions for Package management in R

Like in many other programming languages, packages in R are just collections of built-in functions and datasets are combined with R installation in a well-defined format. Library is directories where packages, either come with basic R installation or being manually installed, are stored on computer. In this post, we provide several important and useful functions associated with R package management.