Python object tuple is a type of list in which the elements can not be modified. It is immutable. When the elements are stored information that are stable, like the area of countries, values of genders, you can use tuples. Tuples are created using parentheses. In the following code, two tuples representing countries and their corresponding areas are created.
#create two tuples
countries = ('USA','Russia','China')
areas= (940,1920,960)
#show tuples
('USA', 'Russia', 'China')
(940, 1920, 960)
Elements of a tuple can be indexed using brackets, same as for a list. But the element can not be modified using indexing method.
#indexing a tuple
#return the first element of a tuple
#return the first two elements of a tuple
(940, 1920)
#trying to modify value of a tuple
countries[2] = 'Japan'
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
Tuple can be operated with for loop, same as for list.
#for loop with a tuple
for area in areas:
Although a tuple is immutable, the values can be changed by re-creating a tuple with the same name of the existing one.
#re-create a tuple with new values
countries = ('Japan','Russia','Mongolia')
#print tuple
('Japan', 'Russia', 'Mongolia')
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