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Python provides function remove() to remove items in a list based on its value, but it removes only the first occurrence of instances if there are more than one such items existing in the list.

#creaate a list for car
cars = ["BMW","Mercedes","Toyota", "VOLVO","Lincoln", "Skoda","Toyota"]
#show the list
['BMW', 'Mercedes', 'Toyota', 'VOLVO', 'Lincoln', 'Skoda', 'Toyota']
#remove "Toyota" from list
#show car list again
['BMW', 'Mercedes', 'VOLVO', 'Lincoln', 'Skoda', 'Toyota']

From the code example above, we can see there is still a “Toyota” present in the list after we have used remove() function for the list. To address this issue, a while loop combined with conditional test for specific value inside the loop can be applied.

#create a list for cars
cars = ["BMW","Mercedes","Toyota", "VOLVO","Lincoln", "Skoda","Toyota"]
#show list
['BMW', 'Mercedes', 'Toyota', 'VOLVO', 'Lincoln', 'Skoda', 'Toyota']
#using while loop, and remove "Toyota" using conditional test
while 'Toyota' in cars:
"show list again
['BMW', 'Mercedes', 'VOLVO', 'Lincoln', 'Skoda']

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